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5 LMS Features for Your Large Organization

Updated: Mar 18, 2020

If you are running a big organization where you carry out business at a larger scale, it is natural that the demands of your business are also big. If you take an example of any type of enterprise software, where starting with a word processor to an e-learning platform, several different features are needed. Such features are not required in a small setup, but these become necessary in a big corporate context. Hence, this example clarifies that an online training platform must possess various latest features so that it can meet the demands of a large organization.

Following are few characteristics of a learning management system that you must consider if you own a large enterprise: 1. Flexible Options For Installation

Mostly latest software platforms offer only a cloud edition. Although such platforms are great for small to medium enterprises but are not useful for larger organizations, particularly if an organization wish to have full control on each and every aspect of its servers as well as a corporate intranet.

Your LMS should be such that it gives you excellent flexibility in a way that your organization finds it easy in running on its locally hosted servers, or on its built-in private cloud. Your LMS may even act as a private cloud solution which is manageable fully and administered and hosted by its creators.

2. Easy Log-in

After installation, the next step is to log in to the LMS. By logging in, you not only check that whether it is in proper working condition or not, and again when you log in, you are enabled to move further to achieve your target and begin with the training of your employees. One of the major features of LMS on which big organizations depend on is the authentication which quite similar to SSO support or (Single Sign-On). As number of software platforms run at a time on intranet of an organization, SSO helps you in centralizing access to every program and offers freedom to your employees from creating and remembering lots of various account credentials.

3. Offers Strong Security

If you are running a small business, you tend to have less loss in case of any issue with production or problems with network or software system, as compared to large organizations. Since your investment is low and budget as well, so you can afford the loss. In a big organization, million or even at times billions are at stake, and can suffer huge losses even with a minor software issue.

Fortunately, today you can find top-class security features in the software that can protect your system well. There are software installations that offer best practices and highly established standards, where the breach is almost impossible. You should look for LMS that offers features like two-factor authentication, SSL support, access control facilities, password rules and other secure coding features that fail hacking attempts.

4. Highly Flexible

It rarely happens that two organizations are same even if they are catering to the same market. There are differences in approach, philosophy, technologies, structure of organization and so on. Your LMS software should be highly flexible so that it can easily tackle the unique requirements of a company and of course, the online training platform chosen by you. Your LMS should be able to integrate with all sorts of other software systems as well as services an organization might have. This also includes the capability of branding the system to highlight your corporate identity or more than one corporate identity where you have extended organization networks.

5. Employee On-boarding

Another important feature of an LMS is that it should have the ability to handle each and every stage of employee on-boarding. When you are running a large organization, it become difficult to give your new employees a detailed overview of your enterprise, the resources present to support work, the environment they have to deal with and their duties and responsibilities. This is especially true of organizations that do seasonal hiring due to continuous growth in the market.

Your LMS should play a vital role in helping out in these matters like; presenting informational content (like CEO messages, organization history etc), informing newly hired employees about things such as safety regulations, customer support rules and policies, harassment and discrimination laws and training them for their job roles.

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